Christmas and New Year Mass Schedules.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Advance.
Both Christmas and New Year fall on Sunday. Our normal weekend Mass schedule will not change.
We will have two Masses in Spanish on the 24th (Saturday). The first will be at Gualala by 5 pm, the second by 7 pm at Point Arena.
We will have English Masses on Sunday at 9 am (Point Arena), and 11 am (Gualala).
This schedule also applies for December 31st and 1st of January. Please bring your family and friends along for these Masses.

Junio 21, 2020

Enseñando la Fe
Este fin de semana celebraremos la fiesta de nuestro santo Patrono San Luis Gonzaga (Aloysius).
Oh Luis Santo, adornado de angélicas costumbres: yo, indignísimo devoto vuestro, os encomiendo principalmente la castidad de mi alma y cuerpo, y os pido que, por vuestra pureza angélica, os dignéis encomendarme al Cordero inmaculado, Cristo Jesús, y a su purísima Madre, Virgen de vírgenes, guardándome de todo pecado. No permitáis que yo manche mi alma con la menor impureza; antes bien, cuando me viereis en la tentación o peligro de pecar, alejad de mi corazón todos los pensamientos y afectos inmundos, y despertad en mi la memoria de la eternidad y de Jesús crucificado. Imprimid altamente en mi corazón un profundo sentimiento de temor santo de Dios, y abrasadme en su divino amor, para que así, siendo imitador vuestro en la tierra, merezca gozar de Dios en vuestra compañía.

June 21, 2020

Teaching the Faith
This weekend we celebrate the feast of our patron saint Aloysius.
Prayer to St. Aloysius
O most innocent and pure St Aloysius Gonzaga, by thy illustrious merits we beseech thy gracious intercession before the throne of Almighty God, that He may grant us:
(Pause and state your intentions)
V. If it be for the greater glory of God and our sanctification.
R. Amen.
V. Let us pray. O God, the Giver of all heavenly gifts, who in the angelic youth, Aloysius, didst join wondrous innocence with equal penance: be entreated by his merits and his prayers and grant unto us who have not followed him in his innocence the grace to imitate him in his penance. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

Junio 14, 2020

Enseñando la Fe
Este fin de semana celebraremos la fiesta de nuestro santo Patrono San Luis Gonzaga (Aloysius).
Oh Luis Santo, adornado de angélicas costumbres: yo, indignísimo devoto vuestro, os encomiendo principalmente la castidad de mi alma y cuerpo, y os pido que, por vuestra pureza angélica, os dignéis encomendarme al Cordero inmaculado, Cristo Jesús, y a su purísima Madre, Virgen de vírgenes, guardándome de todo pecado. No permitáis que yo manche mi alma con la menor impureza; antes bien, cuando me viereis en la tentación o peligro de pecar, alejad de mi corazón todos los pensamientos y afectos inmundos, y despertad en mi la memoria de la eternidad y de Jesús crucificado. Imprimid altamente en mi corazón un profundo sentimiento de temor santo de Dios, y abrasadme en su divino amor, para que así, siendo imitador vuestro en la tierra, merezca gozar de Dios en vuestra compañía.

Felicidades a todos los padres de familia, que Dios los bendiga abundantemente y les ayude a ser fieles a su llamado de ser guías espirituales de su familia, que les ayude a levantar familias santas y los lleve a la santidad

June 14, 2020

Teaching the Faith
This weekend we celebrate the feast of our patron saint Aloysius.
Prayer to St. Aloysius
O most innocent and pure St Aloysius Gonzaga, by thy illustrious merits we beseech thy gracious intercession before the throne of Almighty God, that He may grant us:
(Pause and state your intentions)
V. If it be for the greater glory of God and our sanctification.
R. Amen.
V. Let us pray. O God, the Giver of all heavenly gifts, who in the angelic youth, Aloysius, didst join wondrous innocence with equal penance: be entreated by his merits and his prayers and grant unto us who have not followed him in his innocence the grace to imitate him in his penance. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.

Congratulations to all fathers, may God bless you abundantly and help you to be faithful in your vocations to guide your family to the Lord. May God bless you and help you raise up holy families. May He make you holy.

Mayo 31, 2020

Enseñando la Fe

Oración al espíritu Santo

Ven Espíritu Santo, envía tu luz desde el cielo. Padre amoroso del pobre; don, en tus dones espléndido; luz que penetra las almas; fuente del mayor consuelo. 

Ven, dulce huésped del alma, descanso de nuestro esfuerzo, tregua en el duro trabajo, brisa en las horas de fuego, gozo que enjuga las lágrimas y reconforta en los duelos.

Entra hasta el fondo del alma, divina luz y enriquécenos. Mira el vacío del hombre si Tú le faltas por dentro; mira el poder del pecado cuando no envías tu aliento.

Riega la tierra en sequía, sana el corazón enfermo, lava las manchas, infunde calor de vida en el hielo, doma el espíritu indómito, guía al que tuerce el sendero.

Reparte tus Siete Dones según la fe de tus siervos. Por tu bondad y tu gracia dale al esfuerzo su mérito; salva al que busca salvarse y danos tu gozo eterno.  

Mensaje Pastoral

La paz de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo este con ustedes, en este domingo en que celebramos la fiesta de Pentecostés, es una excelente oportunidad para consagrarnos al Espíritu Santo. Los invito para que consagren su vida, su trabajo, su matrimonio y su familia al Espíritu Santo.

Consagración al Espíritu Santo

Recibid ¡Oh Espíritu Santo!, la consagración perfecta y absoluta de todo mi ser, que os hago en este día para que os dignéis ser en adelante, en cada uno de los instantes de mi vida, en cada una de mis acciones, mi director, mi luz, mi guía, mi fuerza, y todo el amor de mi corazón.

Yo me abandono sin reservas a vuestras divinas operaciones, y quiero ser siempre dócil a vuestras santas inspiraciones.

¡Oh Santo Espíritu! Dignaos formarme con María y en María, según el modelo de vuestro amado Jesús. Gloria al Padre Creador. Gloria al Hijo Redentor. Gloria al Espíritu Santo Santificador. Amen.

May 31, 2020

Teaching the Faith

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth. 

by the light of the Holy Spirit 
you have taught the hearts of your faithful.
In the same Spirit 
help us to relish what is right 
and always rejoice in your consolation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Pastoral Message

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, on this Sunday that we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, it is an excellent opportunity for us to consecrate ourselves to the Holy Spirit. I invite all of you to consecrate yourself, consecrate your life, your work, your marriage and your family to the Holy Spirit.

Mayo 24, 2020

Enseñando la Fe

Acto de Esperanza

Señor Dios mío, espero por tu gracia
la remisión de todos mis pecados;
y después de esta vida,
alcanzar la eterna felicidad,
porque tú lo prometiste que eres
infinitamente poderoso,
fiel, benigno y lleno de misericordia.
Quiero vivir y morir en esta esperanza


Mensaje pastoral
Mis hermanos y hermanas,
Un cordial saludo en la Divina Voluntad. Este domingo celebramos la fiesta de la Ascensión de nuestro señor Jesús, esta fiesta es un recordatorio de lo que nos espera después de la muerte. 
Lar asunción de nuestro Señor Jesús nos recuerda que si hemos sido sepultados con El, en el bautismo, también participaremos de su resurrección.  La resurrección a la vida eterna es lo primero que debemos buscar, al practicar nuestra Fe, se alimenta en nosotros la esperanza de alcanzar la vida eterna que nuestro Señor Jesús nos promete. Es estos momentos de temor mundial. Les quiero recordar que nosotros no pertenecemos a este mundo, por lo tanto debemos de acercarnos a Dios a través de los sacramentos. Como parroquia todos caminamos en la Iglesia de Cristo, con Cristo y hacia Cristo.
Toda nuestra Fe gira alrededor de la esperanza de la resurrección. En estos momentos mas que nunca debemos acercarnos a Dios, dejar atrás cualquier conducta contraria a los diez mandamientos, amar a Dios con toda nuestra alma y confiar en Dios siempre. 
Nuevamente, les recuerdo que estoy aquí en la parroquia para proveer los sacramentos para ustedes.
Que Dios los bendiga abundantemente. 
+Fr. Barrera

May 24, 2020

Teaching the Faith

Act of Charity

O my God, I love you above all things,

with my whole heart and soul,

because You are all good

and worthy of all love.

I love my neighbor as myself

for the love of You.

I forgive all who have injured me,

and ask pardon of all whom I have injured.


This letter was written during the Covid 19 pandemic by my 14 year old grandson. It was a writing assignment, they were to write to an elderly relative or friend that might be shut in. His Great-grandmother (lovingly called Old Granny by three generations of grandchildren) 92 years old had fallen, broken her hip and was hospitalized with no one able to see her until after surgery and her release for home rehabilitation. 

Dear Old Granny,

Hello, how are you doing, well I guess it’s not so good. I wanted to say Hi and remind you that we all got your back, spiritually, and hey if it is your time at least you’re a good person who lived a good life, who has countless successful descendants and many more to come, so it should be a quick trip through purgatory and you will be welcomed by God and all who miss you, and eventually we will join you, so it’s not all that grim.


Pastoral message

My brothers and sisters,

Greetings in the Divine Will. This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus, this feast is a reminder of what awaits us after death.

The Ascension of our Lord Jesus reminds us that if we have been buried with Him, in baptism, we will also participate in his resurrection. Eternal life is the first thing we should be seeking, as we practice our Faith, it nourishes in us the hope of achieving the promise of eternal life that our Lord Jesus gives us. In these moments of global fear, I want to remind you that we do not belong to this world, therefore we must approach God through the sacraments. As a parish we all walk in the Church of Christ, with Christ and towards Christ.

All our Faith revolves around the hope of the resurrection. In these moments more than ever we must draw closer to God, leave behind any conduct contrary to the ten commandments, love God with all our soul and trust in God always.

Again, I remind you that I am here at the parish to provide the sacraments for you.

May God bless you abundantly.

Fr. Barrera

May 17, 2020

Teaching the Faith

The Memorare is a beautiful prayer to the blessed mother, this prayer is part of the catholic tradition. Saints like mother Theresa of Calcutta used to pray this prayer and repeated nine times as a short novena asking the blessed mother for help and intercession, the blessed mother is always advocating for us during this month of May. Let us ask the blessed mother to help us and keep us safe from every bodily and spiritual sickness.  I invite you to pray and mediate with this prayer to grow closer to the blessed mother.

The Memorare

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.

Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.


Pastoral Message

My brothers and sisters,

Greetings to all of you in the Divine Will of God. I hope and pray all of you are healthy and well. I want to remain all of you that we are people of hope and we are called to live in the hope of the resurrection, the hope of eternal life that Jesus offer us, we cannot live in fear. The bible tells us that death is a consequence of sin, (Genesis 2:17)).

Our Lord Jesus is the Divine Physician. We all know that death is part of human life eventually everyone dies. The important thing is to be prepare for that day; to be in the state of grace, to repent, to go to confession, to leave sin behind.

Jesus is the Divine Physician and he alone can heal us from the mortal virus of sin that affects our soul. Please, do not neglect the state of your soul. While it is important to be physically healthy and to enjoy health, it is more important to be spiritually healthy, because our soul is eternal, and if we neglect it, we can end up losing eternal life. Our Lord Jesus tells us in the Gospel, For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:26)

As your pastor it is my moral duty to remind you of this spiritual reality. It is also my moral duty to be here in the parish available for all of you to receive the sacraments, and while public services are not allowed, there is always the possibility to receive the sacraments while complying with the heath authorities. Please be assure of my prayers for all of you during this difficult time and please know that I am always available to provide for your spiritual well being.

Until we can meet as a parish in the Holy sacrifice of the Mass. Thank you to all of you who continue supporting the parish during this difficult time.  Thank you for your generosity.

May God Bless you and keep you, may He shine His face upon you, may He look upon you with mercy and may He give you peace.

+Fr. Barrera