Welcome to Our Parish!

Point Arena:
St. Aloysius

70 School Street (Hwy 1)
Point Arena, CA 95468

Point Arena:
Trinity Hall Rentals

70 School Street (Hwy 1)
Point Arena, CA 95468

Mary Star of the Sea exterior front view
Mary Star of the Sea

39141 Church St.
Gualala, CA 95445

Click on an image to go to the parish information page where you will find directions, Mass times and other information.

Reverend Taiye Obada, Parochial Administrator
Deacon Sergio Orozco

Parish Phone Number: (707) 882-1734 Email: StAloysiusParish70@gmail.com

Mailing Address
PO Box 66, Point Arena, CA 95468

Are you registered at St. Aloysius Catholic Church or Mary Star of the Sea? If not, please complete and submit your family’s Registration (just click this link).

Please click here to give online

We’re pleased to announce that St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church now provides online giving through software called ParishSOFT Giving. This is a convenient and safe way to make a one-time or recurring donation. We hope our recurring visitors use this as a way to continue to support our parish, so they continue to remain open.

When you participate, your gift will transfer directly into the parish bank account. And you won’t have to remember to write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays!

Together we can make a difference!!

Social Media and Other Links:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StAloysius70

Diocese of Santa Rosa

United Stated Catholic Conference of Bishops

Radio Maria Español USA